Call me un-American, but I couldn't care less about football. But really, my patriotism is strong--I love advertising.
So let us buy all the cheese-filled and cheese-covered foods we can find (not to mention cheesecake and cheese dip... mmm, cheesecake con queso... too far?). I'll be eating during the game and watching during the breaks.
Here are some of my favorite Superbowl ads of all time.
OK, I'm going to do this backwards. I'll start my list with my all-time favorite.
Why is it awesome? Is it because people get the message "so easy a baby could do it"? Is because they're so stinkin' cute? Heck no, the E-trade babies are frickin' hilarious. And this one garnered extra attention because it pulled Lindsay Lohan out of her drug-coma for long enough to once again remind us how crazy she is (remember that lawsuit, because the milkaholic's name is Lindsay?). Was that an intentional effect ad agency Grey Group was going for? Probably not. It's a nice reminder that sometimes, the ad game is, at least partially, a game of chance.
Viva Betty White!
I think the return of Betty White was amazing. She proliferated social media, and then advertising, and bam, next thing you know she's back ruling the big screen with millions of unlikely fans. She's probably the only person who can put Chuck Norris in his place. This ad is memorable and funny, and that's a couple million dollars well spent.
I don't care what you say, the 90s were awesome
Who says athletes are all Nike and no fun? I can't play basketball without thinking "through the window, off the wall, nothing but net." And then I pull a muscle and remember I don't like McDonald's anyway.
Sex Sells
Danica Patrick Strip Tease for GoDaddy
I wasn't really too interested in seeing the racer's twins, so I didn't actually log on to "see the rest." But I was curious, what the heck is Are they advertising porn during the Super Bowl? You know that every guy I know was able to tell me that they sell domain names the next day.
I'm already in love with The Force:
I can't wait for tomorrow!
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